Don’t delay on your car service

Cars need to be serviced regularly to ensure that they run at their optimal performance and to try and avoid any unnecessary repair bills. It is always surprising how many car owners have no idea when their car was last serviced or when it is due one. This is usually the case if the car has been bought second hand and is over three years old. Delaying on your service could be costly and you can end up doing some irreversible damage if you are not careful. The cost to service a car can vary depending on the make and model, the type of service needed and where you take it. On average you can expect to pay between £200 and £400 for a main dealer service on a standard...
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DPF Care – what you need to know

First off, I’d probably best explain what a DPF is. DPF stands for Diesel Particulate Filter, which should give you some clue. Essentially it filters out the harmful particulates that diesel generates more of, before burning them off when you meet the optimum conditions. This then allows emissions to stay within ever-tightening environmental guidelines. The issue comes in not meeting those optimum conditions often enough, as the particulates won’t get burnt off, leading to the DPF becoming full, blocking and ultimately breaking. Your first warning will be your DPF light – hopefully, this will be yellow. That means you can fix the problem yourself by completing a regeneration cycle. Often the car will tell you what to do, but if not, check your manual. Generally, it will involve driving at...
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Why is your car wobbling when driving away?

Wobbles and shakes in vehicles can be very common but that does not mean that there isn’t something wrong that needs to be looked at. Sometimes you can tell what the problem is by understanding when the car shakes and wobbles. If for example, you notice a vibration through the steering wheel which gets worse at speed it can often be due to poor balancing of the wheels. If the car is pulling to one side it is usually your tracking is out and you need the wheels aligned. The tyres can often be one of the main reasons for vibrations or wobbles on the vehicle as listed above but also the tread and condition of the tyre can have a huge impact. If your car is wobbling when pulling...
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How to look after your car through the summer months

With summer on its way and many people planning to go on holiday, it is important to look after your car, especially if you are going to be using it for long journeys.  In winter people often know what they need to do to look after their vehicle to ensure that it starts in the cold weather and this it is as safe as possible to drive through snow and ice conditions.  There are also some checks that you should make in your car in the summer months.  With the weather warming up it is important to ensure that you always have the correct level of coolant in your vehicle as otherwise, it can quickly overheat which can cause long-term damage. You may also want to ensure that your car...
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Top tips for car care

Whether you have a brand new car or an older one the car will last you longer and cost you less money in the long run if you look after it. Some simple tips on looking after your car will keep it looking great and performing at its best. Regular services are key to avoiding major issues further down the line so paying out little and often could save you more money. Keeping your car clean is also important as if you leave bird poo on the paintwork of the car it will fairly quickly damage the lacquer of the pain leaving marks that cannot easily be removed. The same can happen from wet rotting leaves and fruit falling onto the car from parking under a tree. To avoid this...
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