Lights that will not go out

Have you ever had it on your car where a light comes up on the dash such as brakes need replacing or bulb gone and after you have replaced the part or fixed the issue the light on the car dashboard is still on? This can be frustrating and can cause problems when it comes to selling a car as people are dubious about buying a car showing faults. Often the car will need to be taken to a garage that can put it on a diagnostic machine and reset the code before it will be removed. This may cost you about £30 to do so, but do contact a few different garages for quotes as you may find one cheaper and main dealers are often not the most competitively...
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Defrosting your window screen…the right way

With winter fast approaching, we are all starting to dread the cold mornings when we come out to discover the car window screen is frozen solid. Although this happens every year, still many of us leave it to the last minute to defrost the windows or risk driving the vehicle with only it partially defrosted which can be very dangerous. Some people poor hot or boiling water over the screen and although this does defrost it very quickly and with little fuss, it can be a costly exercise as many screens will crack with the sudden temperature change, especially if there is already a chip. De-icer is a good product to use but does still require a little bit of waiting and possibly scrapping to remove all the ice. It...
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Health check for your car

You may have heard people say that they are going to the doctors for a “MOT” this is essentially an all over health check where the doctor will check the your stats such as blood pressure, cholesterol and often a urine sample to see if you have any health issues. Well you may be surprised to hear that you can get a very similar thing for your car. An MOT is carried out once every 12 months for cars that are over three years old, but within this 12 months many issues can arise. Lots of garages offer a free health check for your car where they will check the main components such as brakes, fluid levels, lights and tyres. Even if your MOT is due shortly, you may want...
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Checking your brakes

Brakes are a vital part of a cars safety system and a fault in your brakes can cause you to have a serious accident. You are advised to test your brakes when you go on any car journey, simply by pressing the pedal down when going at a slow speed to ensure you stop. Many cars have warning lights that will illuminate on the dash when your brake pads are low, but you shouldn’t rely on this totally as the sensor may be faulty or the dash not working correctly. Your brakes will be tested on an MOT inspection but your pads and or disc may need changing sooner than this. When you have brake pads changed they will also inspect your discs to let you know if they also...
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Keeping your window screen washers topped up

It may sound like a very quick and easy thing to do, but forgetting to top up your window screen fluid can be very dangerous for you and other road users. There may have been a time when you have been driving along and a tractor has come past or you have been following a lorry splashing mud all over your car. You reach to put the wipers on and try and squirt the water but nothing comes out. Often putting the wipers on can also make any marks on the screen worse and quickly you may have found yourself in a position where you simply cannot see anything. This is not only dangerous to you as the driver but also to anyone around you in another vehicle or a...
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