Should your car service be carried out at a main dealer?

All cars and vans should be service in accordance with the manufactures schedule to ensure that components are checked and replaced when needed. All service schedules can vary from vehicle to vehicle so it is advised to check what is required for your specific make and model of car. There is often a huge price difference between getting your vehicle serviced at a main dealer garage as opposed to another independent garage. Some cars that are under a warranty must be serviced at a main dealer to ensure that the warranty is not invalidated. If you do use an independent garage, then check what parts they are using when replacing them. It may be that they are going to use non genuine parts, which may be ok as long as...
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Why is it so important to use a garage you trust?

When it comes to finding a garage to carry out any repairs or servicing etc to your vehicle, you need to find one that is reliable and one you can trust. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to use a garage that we have had no previous dealings with due to a breakdown for example. This is not ideal but if you find yourself in this situation, you need to have an idea of what you are talking about to ensure that you receive a good deal. People that take cars into garages and say they have no idea what is wrong and could they fix it are asking for trouble. If you go to the mechanic and say that you have experienced an issue with the vehicle and detail what has...
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What is a car diagnostic check?

If your car has developed a fault or have warning lights come up on your dashboard, then a garage may recommend that you have a diagnostic run on your vehicle. This can range in price from £30 upwards to £100 depending on where you take it. So what exactly is a car diagnostic check and how can it help with a fault? All modern vehicles have an on-board computer inside them which is linked up by sensors to different components within your car. These computers monitor things such as engine temperature, oxygen levels and replay issues and any faults found are stored on the on-board computer in a series of fault codes.  These fault codes need to be read by specialist equipment called a diagnostic machine. Not all garages have...
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Passenger airbags

Passenger airbags were first introduced into vehicles in the 1970’s in the USA and in the 80’s in the UK. Passenger airbags have proven to save lives and increase the safety for a passenger if you are involved in an accident. For some situations, you should turn the passenger airbags off such as if using a rearward facing car seat on the front passenger seat. This is because if the airbag is activated it can cause the car seat to be pushed up and into the back of the seat which can be fatal. Some cars are fitted with an airbag deactivation switch allowing you to turn the airbag on and off depending on which passengers you are carrying but many vehicles need to be taken into a dealership to...
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Parts of an exhaust system

If you own an older car then you may have to replace part or all of the exhaust at some point. The exhaust system is vital to the car running as it should and getting rid of the harmful gases that are produced by the engine. The exhaust is usually in three sections, back box, centre and front. Often it will only be one part that will need to be replaced and the most common part is the back box. If your car starts to sound particularly loud then it may be that you have a hole in the exhaust system. You may be able to repair the exhaust using exhaust tape or bandage but this should only be a temporary fix and you should look at getting the part replaced...
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