Auto Repair

Anti-Lock Brakes

We are going to take a quick look at how and what Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) are and how they work. The brief overview of what ABS is, is an intelligent safety feature that prevents the wheels from coming to a halt and skidding.

ABS is used throughout many different models of vehicle around the world and its principally important in harsh weather conditions. What the system will do is reduce the cars stopping distance on both wet and dry conditions, as well as aid in the control of the car.


The main components of ABS is as follows:

  • Controller
  • Pump
  • Speed Sensor
  • Valves

The simple premiss behind how the technology works is the controller monitors the wheel revolutions and speed. When the speed changes dramatically reduces the ABS system will decrease the pressure until it identifies and acceleration and do this on a rapid basis to allow control to be maintained. The outcome is the tires slow down the same time as the car giving maximum efficiency and braking power.